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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Life As 6 Flags

That's me trying to be more creative than simply saying things have been roller-coasteresque lately. Allow me to explain:

On November 16th, smoke began pouring out of the hood of my car. What I was hoping would be only a few hundred in repairs turned into $1200 to get it "road ready" and $1800 for all BASIC repairs the shop felt I needed. Needless to say, it took a few days and I can no longer put anything on my credit card for a good while.

On November 19th, after introducing myself to a second-grade music class, a little boy raised his hand and stated for everyone, "I like you. I want to be just like you when I grow up!" Thanks little boy! Also, I took a flight from Denver to Milwaukee to start my holiday excursion with my baby! I was thrilled. Sam Hill picked me up at the airport and we had a very nice time catching up that night.

On November 21st, in the wee hours of the morning, I arrived in Marquette to see Andrea for the first time since Tony's wedding. It was awesome! By the time the sun was up, she had broken up with me. That part was not so awesome. We laid in bed for about 5 hours talking and trying to figure stuff out, but the fact-of-the-matter is that the distance had become too much for her and was beginning to affect her negatively. I stayed in the MQT till Tuesday so as to not back out on plans I had made to see other friends, but it was very hard. Blu and Tim were amazing. Thanks guys!

On November 22nd, while at the hockey game, the NMU pep band played my arrangement of Smash Mouth's "All Star", we scored 6 goals (all in the 2 periods I was at the game), and tuba players I had never met had heard of me. Man is it great to leave a legacy!

On November 26th, I was the surprise at our family's Thanksgiving (as I was planning on attending Andrea's family's dinner). So, that was cool. It was great to see my grandparents and aunt and uncle again.

On November 27th, the 8th annual "Great Day After Thanksgiving Burn-Off" was a success. I can't thank my brother enough for keeping this thing going! This year came the closest to actual rugby yet, but it was still a blast! I even took my brother down a few times!

Throughout break I kept busy catching up with people like Tony & Jess, Ted, Angela, Rose, Katelyn, etc... These were all great distractions. I also worked a few days for my dad and made a little cash.

On November 30th, I saw my first professional basketball game as the Bucks beat the Bulls 99-97 with Sam and Chad. It was more exciting than I thought, though dealing with the scalpers was a bit sketchy for a while.

I am back in Boulder as of yesterday and although I was frustrated with not working today, I have work already laid out for Thursday and Friday. My emotions still vary between sad, mad, and complacent, but time will help. I've got great friends (like you reading this) which always helps. Trish drew "Welcome Home"s and "Merry Christmas"es all over my windows and mirrors. That was fun.

Also, thank you so much for the music Tim and Jackie and ChelC. I can't wait to really listen to it all!

Music is being collected for the December mix as we speak so I hope you're excited! I know I am!

1 comment:

  1. Bro,
    I feel compelled to share with you song I just made up. It's an interesting take on a classic entitled "Awesome Bro."

    My Bro is an awesome bro
    he reigns, from heaven abrove
    with wisdom, brower and brove
    My bro is an awesome bro.

    Do you remember that one onion article? Timeless!
