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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Times They Are A-Changing

Lots have been happening in the AK lately. I'd really like to share it all with all of you and post more (you know, in case people out there read it...), but putting in 10-14 hours at school some nights makes that hard.

Tomorrow I have a concert at Kenny Lake.
In 2 weeks my plays open for a 3-night run.
3 days later I have a concert at Glennallen.
The next afternoon we leave for a 5-day trip to the Region II Music Festival which includes a concert at Houston High School on the way, solo/ensemble for about 40 acts, and way too much constant time with kids.
2 weeks later is State Solo/Ensemble
Graduations follow shortly after.
And then I'm done.

My goal is to put in the hours now (and since February really) so everything goes much smoother and better than last year. I think it's working. I feel less stressed at least...

However, now I have to search for a job.

You see, my district is $334,000 in the hole for next year and something needs to happen. That something is the elimination of my position. Please note that as of this posting, none of that is for certain. The official meeting is next Tuesday and there are alot of maybes. The State may give schools more money in June and they'd be able to keep the position. However, I can't be sitting here in my lovely shack waiting to see if they'll have a music teacher opening, no matter how beautiful the mountains and rivers are.

So, I'm applying all over again. The trick is that I know much more about what I like and what I need after teaching for 2 years. I'm focusing my efforts into the Pacific NW, Colorado, the pretty sides of Montana and Wyoming, and Wisconsin and Michigan. I might be willing to think East Coast if it were the right job.

The other wrench is that I love this girl who is going to England for a year starting in September. Ah, cruel temptress...

In any case, a Winter's worth of CDs are sitting on my floor right now waiting to be wrapped and mailed (which will happen next week cause we get paid Friday). March is in the whittling down stage and I am feeling good. I absolutely love making music for all of you.

In personal music news, I have grand aspirations of fixing some old songs and finishing some leftover FAWM ideas and including a homemade EP in a summer mailing.

I'm also looking for a musical partner to renew the Cover Challenge with (Nick and Tim, the offer is still on the table). If you are interested, please let me know ASAP. I have also come up with the entirely metaphysical idea of starting a Cover of Covers Challenge.

So, tonight I'm going to crank out playlists for the CDs I've finished while I do some laundry. Enjoy!

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