Listen To All The New Mixes Here!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So, I would like to get this going again. I've revamped the color scheme and will continue to post my playlists here.

Alternately, I have gotten into this site (linked above) called It allows me to post my mixes for free. Now, you can take a ZZIPA-approved list anywhere you go!

I hope to turn this into more of a music blog and pick out songs/artists/albums that are stuck in my head and tell you about them.

I will keep posting updates about life in AK, but the focus will be on music. For pictures, please check out my FB. Ugh. I can't believe I said that.

So, since many of you will be getting 5 or so CDs in the mail soon, I figure I should have the tracklists posted. I'm going to post one a day until I am caught up.

Here is the Male Version of the Spring Honorable Mentions:

1. Helena Beat - Foster the People

I loved "Pumped Up Kicks" instantly (see October 2010), but the rest of the album took me a bit to appreciate. I think it was 4 listens. That's dedication. This is probably my second favorite track.

2. The Greatest Song I Ever Heard - OK Go

A bold choice for a title. Not the greatest song I've ever heard, but a good song about the greatest song.

3. Second Chance - Peter Bjorn and John

Their songs of late have been a change from the mellow "Young Folks." I like the fuzzy roughness of it all.

4. Light Leaves, Dark Sees - Los Campesinos!

Probably one of my favorite bands, actually. I don't think there's been a song I couldn't get into by them. They broke up for a while but are back strong. More to come from them on October 2011 and November 2011.

5. Open Arms - Elbow

A wonderful, little waltz.

6. Greenleaf - Generationals

Another one that took a long time to grown on me, even though I love this New Orleans-based band.

7. The Fear - Lovett

Woo! This song sounded so familiar at first, I had to go back and check previous mixes to see if I had it somewhere else. It's not, so here it is!

8. Because of the Blood - Sin Fang

I really like the double chorus thing it's got going.

9. Bloom - The Veils

Just a nice guitar-driven song

10. Annie You Save Me - Graffiti6

Almost like Gnarls Barkley perhaps?

11. King of Assmilk Flowers - Gnarlo (ft. Tyler, the Creator)

Some accessible rap from an up-and-coming shock-rapper. A mashup of 'King of Carrot Flowers pt. One' by Neutral Milk Hotel and 'Assmilk' by Tyler the Creator (ft. Earl Sweatshirt). If you don't like it, I'm "sorry as fuck."

12. Royal Blue - Cold War Kids

Ain't no "Hang Me Up To Dry," but still a solid song.

13. Running With Insanity - Alcoholic Faith Mission

Anyone using a squeezebox like this gets props from me. Plus, it has handclaps so it is solid in my book.

14. Obnoxia - Yip Deceiver

Token dance number.

15. A New Day Has Begun - Roddy Woomble

I like his voice and his vaguely Irish sound.

16. Troubles Will Be Gone - The Tallest Man On Earth

He writes such a good song. I'm jealous.

17. Equestrian - U.S. Royalty

A cleaner sound than some of their other stuff.

18. Simple Math - Manchester Orchestra

I loved "I've Got Friends," and was probably blinded by that for this song. Math junkies might like it. I guess it is sort of a sultry, heartache ballad.

19. Everything - Luke Cleland

Good low sounds, and GONGS! Pretty sweet sound.

20. The Wilhelm Scream - James Blake

I haven't liked too much of his stuff, but Rolling Stone creamed itself over this guy. The auto-tuned, semi-R&B sound is good and unique, but I'm still unsure. He comes back on November 2011. The Wilhelm Scream, by the way, is a universal movie sound effect.


  1. YAY!!!! I'm soo excited for all of the CDs! I need more alternative music in my life, the ones playing on the radio are getting boring.

  2. Yeah!Welcome back!I missed you man!The new look is cool!Trish
