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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween, etc.

So for Halloween, I went as a penguin. I put on a tux and designed a beak out of orange construction paper, then taped it on. You know you're jealous. I wasn't sure if the tape would hold on my nose all night (which it surprisingly did) so I also brought along a small squirt gun, so I could be James Bond. Gotta love the versatility of a tuxedo!

Anyway, Me, Trish (as a waitress), Meg (a Southern belle), Julie (a bear huntress), Gloria (Flash Gordan) and Marissa (a wolf huntress) had a few beers, then went downtown in an attempt to see the "Pumpkin Run." This consists of select males running through the crowded streets with ONLY a Jack O'Lantern on their heads. They then are promptly arrested for indecent exposure, but apparently it is a sight to behold...that and I was with 5 girls at the time...

After nothing happened (increased police security and all) we found a bar and met some more people including Colin and his friend, Alan (Braveheart), Jacqueline (a boy scout), etc... I got not as drunk as I was hoping to, but that also means I spent less money, so I think it evened out. It was a good night.

Since Monday, I have been teaching guitar and orchestra for grades 5-8 at a local middle school. The teacher had a family emergency and had to be gone all week! It's unfortunate, but as a substitute, I make my living from these unfortunate situations. So, I get a whole week of job security and I have to work just above four hours a day, which means I get paid a whole day's wage. It really is sweet!

I tried to go see fun. in concert on Tuesday, but I procrastinated on buying tickets way too long and it ended up selling out...I now know better.


  1. Sounds like your life is exciting! I was a cowgirl for Halloween and we sang songs from Oklahoma. I thought of you yesterday as we sang "What a friend we have in Jesus" at church. It was difficult not to laugh and sing with a ridiculous country accent! Oh the days of praise band...

  2. so the "pumpkin run" is like the brule run at northern...??? that can't be all that bad.
