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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Business Time

So having not posted in a while, I have lots of updates. Most circle around me knocking out a pretty sweet looking portfolio, applying for jobs till my eyes fall out and hands cramp up, and trying to stay on top of my New Year's Resolutions of exercising in some fashion and practicing an instrument everyday (guitar no longer counts). I feel like these past few weeks have just blurred together, but I am ready to tackle 2010 all the more. This post I am going to keep really brief and post stories as we go.

In news most related to viewers like you, the January mix is indeed completed and will be mailed out Monday! I'll be posting the tracks shortly! Also, for those of you who have participated in my experiment by sending a CD or by "following" me on my blog (not quite sure what that means though), you will be receiving a bonus CD filled to the brim with the best songs people have sent me since August. To get in on this, simply send me some MUSIC! Also, I'm going to need material to fill the next viewer's choice CD, so get cracking! I've heard reports Nick Smith is working on a Grizzly Bear album and Tim Dries is hoping to find more Beatles songs I like. I'll take anything and everything and I'll ship it right back out!

So, with that in mind, keep checking back here often as I hope to post every couple of days or so!

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